Madan Shahu

Letters To The Editor / Rest in peace, Madan Shahu

The recent passing away of senior journalist Madan Shahu on May 8, 2016 has saddened many people in the country.

Madanda's Niche

He looked at life, its beliefs, its ramifications, and his work from a niche of insularity. He was not prejudiced against any belief, did not behold hatred of any stripe, and had never been a foot soldier of any virulent nationalist credo.

Remembrance / Madan Shahu and His Magnificient Ways

It was the requiem of Madan Shahu, with all its magnificence. His body lay splendid in the wooden byre while the office colleagues of 25 years had gathered there.

May 20, 2016
May 20, 2016

Rest in peace, Madan Shahu

The recent passing away of senior journalist Madan Shahu on May 8, 2016 has saddened many people in the country.

May 14, 2016
May 14, 2016

Madanda's Niche

He looked at life, its beliefs, its ramifications, and his work from a niche of insularity. He was not prejudiced against any belief, did not behold hatred of any stripe, and had never been a foot soldier of any virulent nationalist credo.

May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016

Madan Shahu and His Magnificient Ways

It was the requiem of Madan Shahu, with all its magnificence. His body lay splendid in the wooden byre while the office colleagues of 25 years had gathered there.