The film features an ensemble cast, including well-known actors such as Tariq Anam Khan, Arman Parvez Murad, Lutfur Rahman George, Shadhin Khasru, Faruque Ahmed, Shabnam Parvin, Ejajul Islam, Jamil, Pran Roy, and Shohel Mondol.
Puja Chery starrer “Nakphul” has secured approval from the censor board to rename the film’s title as “Nakphuler Kabya”.
In a significant milestone for South Asian cinema, Leesa Gazi's debut feature film, “Barir Naam Shahana” (A House Named Shahana), has been selected for the main competition at the prestigious Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2023. The film's recognition comes on the heels of receiving the Gender Sensitivity Award from the Film Critics Guild of India, where Aditya Srikrishna, Bharti Pradhan, and Stuti Ghosh served as jury members.
The film features an ensemble cast, including well-known actors such as Tariq Anam Khan, Arman Parvez Murad, Lutfur Rahman George, Shadhin Khasru, Faruque Ahmed, Shabnam Parvin, Ejajul Islam, Jamil, Pran Roy, and Shohel Mondol.
Puja Chery starrer “Nakphul” has secured approval from the censor board to rename the film’s title as “Nakphuler Kabya”.
In a significant milestone for South Asian cinema, Leesa Gazi's debut feature film, “Barir Naam Shahana” (A House Named Shahana), has been selected for the main competition at the prestigious Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2023. The film's recognition comes on the heels of receiving the Gender Sensitivity Award from the Film Critics Guild of India, where Aditya Srikrishna, Bharti Pradhan, and Stuti Ghosh served as jury members.