liveable city

The city is a beautiful thing when it’s for everyone

A city is a web of facilities and opportunities in which different agencies and communities lay stakes, push boundaries, and make bullish claims of making things better.

DAP: The high stakes of high-rise buildings

Housing developers' interests are getting in the way of making Dhaka a liveable city

Systems thinking: A solution to our many global crises

The crises we face are terrifying. And yet I can still imagine an infinitely better life that would solve many of our problems.

KNOT SO TRUE / Living with half-truths

The journey of a nation must be a holistic one. We must all collectively remember that promises need to be balanced with pragmatic route maps; plans need to be properly conveyed; regrets need to be coupled with hope.

Dhaka as a people-friendly, liveable city

One of the primary tasks of the new mayors of Dhaka should be to turn Dhaka into a people-friendly, liveable city.

June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023

The city is a beautiful thing when it’s for everyone

A city is a web of facilities and opportunities in which different agencies and communities lay stakes, push boundaries, and make bullish claims of making things better.

December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022

DAP: The high stakes of high-rise buildings

Housing developers' interests are getting in the way of making Dhaka a liveable city

August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022

Systems thinking: A solution to our many global crises

The crises we face are terrifying. And yet I can still imagine an infinitely better life that would solve many of our problems.

September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015

Living with half-truths

The journey of a nation must be a holistic one. We must all collectively remember that promises need to be balanced with pragmatic route maps; plans need to be properly conveyed; regrets need to be coupled with hope.

May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015

Dhaka as a people-friendly, liveable city

One of the primary tasks of the new mayors of Dhaka should be to turn Dhaka into a people-friendly, liveable city.

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