
Life as it is / A silent yet unsettling change around us

Having been born and brought up in Lalmatia, the community there has been one that I grew to love over the past 24 years.

Avijit’s publisher, 2 bloggers hacked in Dhaka

Unknown assailants stab the publisher of slain blogger Avijit Roy along with two bloggers in Dhaka’s Lalmatia area. The injured are attending to treatments at DMCH with wounds to the head. Condition of publisher Tutul and another are said to be grave.

3 babies dead in shady Dhaka hospital

Authorities have sealed a shady private hospital in Dhaka’s Lalmatia after three newborns died allegedly from negligence.

December 21, 2017
December 21, 2017

A silent yet unsettling change around us

Having been born and brought up in Lalmatia, the community there has been one that I grew to love over the past 24 years.

October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015

Avijit’s publisher, 2 bloggers hacked in Dhaka

Unknown assailants stab the publisher of slain blogger Avijit Roy along with two bloggers in Dhaka’s Lalmatia area. The injured are attending to treatments at DMCH with wounds to the head. Condition of publisher Tutul and another are said to be grave.

October 3, 2015
October 3, 2015

3 babies dead in shady Dhaka hospital

Authorities have sealed a shady private hospital in Dhaka’s Lalmatia after three newborns died allegedly from negligence.