Historical drama "Shogun", the sweeping story of a struggle for power in feudal Japan, racked up 25 nominations on Wednesday (July 17) to lead this year's contenders for television's Emmy Awards.
The Japanese government has stopped the use of floppy disks in all official capacities, in an ongoing effort to digitise its bureaucracy system. This takes place more than two decades since floppy disks were in their prime.
Japan offers rich cultural experiences and vast opportunities for higher education.
If you are someone with a passion for photography, be you a novice or an expert, bring out your camera with you, as we have prepared a list of 10 camera-friendly places to visit in Asia so you can get your dream shots.
Every country in the world has their own cuisine and their etiquettes defined by their culture. Japan is no different. With their delectable cuisine on the table, it’s hard to focus on something else. Nevertheless, one must not forget about the dining etiquettes.
Hamidur Rahman Cultural Center is all set to host a Calligraphy Workshop in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh. They made the announcement dedicated to art enthusiasts and cultural connoisseurs alike.
Gross domestic product inched up 0.1 percent between October and December from the previous three months
On 5 March 2024, at the 17th Japan International Manga Awards, a manga portraying the life and struggle of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman received a bronze medaeruml, making it the first Bangladeshi manga to be featured in and to have won such a prestigious award
The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) is eager to have cricket at the 2026 Asian Games in Japan and is exploring the idea of converting a baseball stadium in Nagoya for this purpose.
Historical drama "Shogun", the sweeping story of a struggle for power in feudal Japan, racked up 25 nominations on Wednesday (July 17) to lead this year's contenders for television's Emmy Awards.
The Japanese government has stopped the use of floppy disks in all official capacities, in an ongoing effort to digitise its bureaucracy system. This takes place more than two decades since floppy disks were in their prime.
Japan offers rich cultural experiences and vast opportunities for higher education.
If you are someone with a passion for photography, be you a novice or an expert, bring out your camera with you, as we have prepared a list of 10 camera-friendly places to visit in Asia so you can get your dream shots.
Every country in the world has their own cuisine and their etiquettes defined by their culture. Japan is no different. With their delectable cuisine on the table, it’s hard to focus on something else. Nevertheless, one must not forget about the dining etiquettes.
Hamidur Rahman Cultural Center is all set to host a Calligraphy Workshop in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh. They made the announcement dedicated to art enthusiasts and cultural connoisseurs alike.
Gross domestic product inched up 0.1 percent between October and December from the previous three months
On 5 March 2024, at the 17th Japan International Manga Awards, a manga portraying the life and struggle of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman received a bronze medaeruml, making it the first Bangladeshi manga to be featured in and to have won such a prestigious award
The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) is eager to have cricket at the 2026 Asian Games in Japan and is exploring the idea of converting a baseball stadium in Nagoya for this purpose.
TSMC, which is also expanding in the US and Germany, plans to ramp up to mass production in Japan before the end of the year