Islamic State (IS) militants

More than 300 sentenced to death in Iraq for IS links

Iraqi courts sentence to death a total of more than 300 people, including dozens of foreigners, for belonging to the Islamic State group, judicial sources say.

Yazidi sisters reunited after three years in Islamic State captivity

Three Yazidi sisters are finally reunited more than three years after being taken by the Islamic State (IS) militants in an assault on Sinjar, the Yazidi heartland on August 3, 2014.

Russia says kills 180 jihadists, mercenaries in Syria

Some 120 Islamic State fighters and 60 foreign mercenaries were killed in a series of Russian air strikes in Syria over the past 24 hours, the defence ministry in Moscow says.

April 18, 2018
April 18, 2018

More than 300 sentenced to death in Iraq for IS links

Iraqi courts sentence to death a total of more than 300 people, including dozens of foreigners, for belonging to the Islamic State group, judicial sources say.

December 22, 2017
December 22, 2017

Yazidi sisters reunited after three years in Islamic State captivity

Three Yazidi sisters are finally reunited more than three years after being taken by the Islamic State (IS) militants in an assault on Sinjar, the Yazidi heartland on August 3, 2014.

October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017

Russia says kills 180 jihadists, mercenaries in Syria

Some 120 Islamic State fighters and 60 foreign mercenaries were killed in a series of Russian air strikes in Syria over the past 24 hours, the defence ministry in Moscow says.