Irrfan Khan has been named the only Indian actor in The Independent’s prestigious list of the 60 Best Actors of 21st-Century Cinema, securing the 41st spot.
“Talvar”, released internationally as “Guilty”, is a 2015 crime thriller directed by Meghna Gulzar and written by Vishal Bhardwaj. Loosely based on the infamous 2008 Noida double murder case, the film chronicles the brutal killings of a teenage girl and her elderly male servant. The case, which captivated public attention, saw her parents and several local servants implicated by various investigative bodies.
In the film, initially titled “Arjun Ustara”, Kartik will take over the role originally written for the late actor Irrfan Khan.
In a heartfelt tribute to the late actor Irrfan Khan, the Mahalaxmi-based experimental arts performance space, G5A, is set to present "Irrfan (1967 – 2020): A Retrospective". The event, organised by G5A Cinema House and filmmaker Nikkhil Advani, aims to celebrate Irrfan Khan's enduring contribution to cinema through iconic roles in films like Maqbool, Yogi, Rana, Ashoke, and Saajan.
Whether you're looking for the ideal movie to watch with your dad or arranging a family movie night, here is a list of movies that are sure to uplift, amuse, and strengthen the bond we share with our superheroes.
“Irrfan: A Life in Movies” hit the stands today. Written by long-time film critic Shubhra Gupta, the book shares the thoughts and feelings of members of the film fraternity about the late Irrfan Khan.
Known for his affable smile and genial ways, Irrfan taught us that you can fall in love not just with a face but with the essence of a person. Khan found his finest hour in this story, with an exquisitely gentle, subtle performance.
“The Song of Scorpions”, which was Irrfan Khan's last performance, will be released in theaters on April 28, ahead of the beloved actor’s third death anniversary.
Ever the wonderful storyteller, Mira manages to tell such a heart-breaking story which would surely bring a tear to the eyes of dual citizenship holders.
Irrfan Khan has been named the only Indian actor in The Independent’s prestigious list of the 60 Best Actors of 21st-Century Cinema, securing the 41st spot.
“Talvar”, released internationally as “Guilty”, is a 2015 crime thriller directed by Meghna Gulzar and written by Vishal Bhardwaj. Loosely based on the infamous 2008 Noida double murder case, the film chronicles the brutal killings of a teenage girl and her elderly male servant. The case, which captivated public attention, saw her parents and several local servants implicated by various investigative bodies.
In the film, initially titled “Arjun Ustara”, Kartik will take over the role originally written for the late actor Irrfan Khan.
In a heartfelt tribute to the late actor Irrfan Khan, the Mahalaxmi-based experimental arts performance space, G5A, is set to present "Irrfan (1967 – 2020): A Retrospective". The event, organised by G5A Cinema House and filmmaker Nikkhil Advani, aims to celebrate Irrfan Khan's enduring contribution to cinema through iconic roles in films like Maqbool, Yogi, Rana, Ashoke, and Saajan.
Whether you're looking for the ideal movie to watch with your dad or arranging a family movie night, here is a list of movies that are sure to uplift, amuse, and strengthen the bond we share with our superheroes.
“Irrfan: A Life in Movies” hit the stands today. Written by long-time film critic Shubhra Gupta, the book shares the thoughts and feelings of members of the film fraternity about the late Irrfan Khan.
Known for his affable smile and genial ways, Irrfan taught us that you can fall in love not just with a face but with the essence of a person. Khan found his finest hour in this story, with an exquisitely gentle, subtle performance.
“The Song of Scorpions”, which was Irrfan Khan's last performance, will be released in theaters on April 28, ahead of the beloved actor’s third death anniversary.
Ever the wonderful storyteller, Mira manages to tell such a heart-breaking story which would surely bring a tear to the eyes of dual citizenship holders.
Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan who was recently diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer has revealed his turmoil on June 18th via a heartwarming note.