Editorial / Time running out for expats

THE deadline for Bangladeshis living abroad to switch to machine readable passports (MRPs) runs out in about two weeks time and the...

Editorial / MRP for expat workers in a shambles

ONE wonders what power is behind the Malaysian firm IRIS that has allowed it to get away with all sorts of failings in meeting its part of the contract in issuing machine readable passports to our expatriate workers.

November 12, 2015
November 12, 2015

Time running out for expats

THE deadline for Bangladeshis living abroad to switch to machine readable passports (MRPs) runs out in about two weeks time and the...

May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015

MRP for expat workers in a shambles

ONE wonders what power is behind the Malaysian firm IRIS that has allowed it to get away with all sorts of failings in meeting its part of the contract in issuing machine readable passports to our expatriate workers.