Indian muslims

Book Review: Nonfiction / The minority report in India

In Another India, Pratinav Anil unambiguously faults Nehruvian secularism—the very mantle championed by historians such as Mushirul Hasan for whom “the congress best represented the Muslim interests from the fifties on.”

Azaan on loudspeaker ‘not fundamental right’, India’s Allahabad High Court rules

The Allahabad High Court in India today (May 6, 2022) ruled that delivering azaan on loudspeakers is not a fundamental right, ANI reported.

Muslim survivors of Indian massacre shaken by citizenship test

Thirty-six years after losing his parents, sister and a four-year-old daughter in one of India's worst sectarian massacres, Abdul Suban says he is still trying to prove he's a citizen of the Hindu-majority nation.

August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023

The minority report in India

In Another India, Pratinav Anil unambiguously faults Nehruvian secularism—the very mantle championed by historians such as Mushirul Hasan for whom “the congress best represented the Muslim interests from the fifties on.”

May 6, 2022
May 6, 2022

Azaan on loudspeaker ‘not fundamental right’, India’s Allahabad High Court rules

The Allahabad High Court in India today (May 6, 2022) ruled that delivering azaan on loudspeakers is not a fundamental right, ANI reported.

July 29, 2018
July 29, 2018

Muslim survivors of Indian massacre shaken by citizenship test

Thirty-six years after losing his parents, sister and a four-year-old daughter in one of India's worst sectarian massacres, Abdul Suban says he is still trying to prove he's a citizen of the Hindu-majority nation.

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