Indian leopard

Indian leopard that mauled six at Bangalore school escapes

A male leopard that mauled six people at a school in India before it was captured has escaped its enclosure, officials said.

India schools shut in Bangalore over leopard fears

More than 100 schools have been closed in Bangalore after reports that another leopard was sighted on the outskirts of the Indian city.

Thirsty leopard gets head stuck into pot in Indian village

A leopard gets its head stuck in a metal pot after venturing into a village in northern India on Wednesday. It was thirsty and tried to drink water.

February 16, 2016
February 16, 2016

Indian leopard that mauled six at Bangalore school escapes

A male leopard that mauled six people at a school in India before it was captured has escaped its enclosure, officials said.

February 11, 2016
February 11, 2016

India schools shut in Bangalore over leopard fears

More than 100 schools have been closed in Bangalore after reports that another leopard was sighted on the outskirts of the Indian city.

October 1, 2015
October 1, 2015

Thirsty leopard gets head stuck into pot in Indian village

A leopard gets its head stuck in a metal pot after venturing into a village in northern India on Wednesday. It was thirsty and tried to drink water.

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