India Bans Wheat Exports

India now bans wheat flour, maida, semolina exports

After banning wheat exports four months ago, India on Saturday put severe restrictions on the overseas shipment of wheat flour, maida, semolina and wholemeal wheat flour in order to curb rising domestic prices.

Wheat export ban not to affect neighbours: Indian High Commission

India's ban on wheat export will not prevent export to neighbouring countries and countries that might wish to procure the current produce to supplement their domestic food security policies, at the request of their governments, said a statement of the Indian High Commission in Dhaka.

India’s ban on wheat export is disconcerting

But there is a silver lining too

August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022

India now bans wheat flour, maida, semolina exports

After banning wheat exports four months ago, India on Saturday put severe restrictions on the overseas shipment of wheat flour, maida, semolina and wholemeal wheat flour in order to curb rising domestic prices.

May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022

Wheat export ban not to affect neighbours: Indian High Commission

India's ban on wheat export will not prevent export to neighbouring countries and countries that might wish to procure the current produce to supplement their domestic food security policies, at the request of their governments, said a statement of the Indian High Commission in Dhaka.

May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022

India’s ban on wheat export is disconcerting

But there is a silver lining too