humayun azad murder case

Where are the fugitive killers of Prof Humayun Azad?

Law enforcers have no clue about the whereabouts of top JMB militant Salahuddin Ahmed alias Salehin, a fugitive death row convict of Prof Humayun Azad murder case.

Humayun Azad murder case: After 18 years, verdict due today

A Dhaka court is set to deliver verdict over the murder of Prof Humayun Azad after 18 long years as the alleged negligence of investigators and prosecution delayed the trial completion.

April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022

Where are the fugitive killers of Prof Humayun Azad?

Law enforcers have no clue about the whereabouts of top JMB militant Salahuddin Ahmed alias Salehin, a fugitive death row convict of Prof Humayun Azad murder case.

April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022

Humayun Azad murder case: After 18 years, verdict due today

A Dhaka court is set to deliver verdict over the murder of Prof Humayun Azad after 18 long years as the alleged negligence of investigators and prosecution delayed the trial completion.