Human Rights Forum

Human Rights Day 2015 / Where are we?

We have noticed with concern that the state and its institutions are getting increasingly intolerant. The state is resorting to repression in the name of ensuring sovereignty and security.

Ensure bloggers’ security, Bangladesh rights body tells govt

Human Rights Forum (HRF), national coalition of 19 rights and development organisations, calls upon government to provide protection to bloggers and online writers who are at risk.

December 10, 2015
December 10, 2015

Where are we?

We have noticed with concern that the state and its institutions are getting increasingly intolerant. The state is resorting to repression in the name of ensuring sovereignty and security.

May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015

Ensure bloggers’ security, Bangladesh rights body tells govt

Human Rights Forum (HRF), national coalition of 19 rights and development organisations, calls upon government to provide protection to bloggers and online writers who are at risk.

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