Hot Air Ballooning in Asia

5 best places for hot air ballooning in Asia

Picture yourself in a basket, tied to a balloon that is flying over mountain tops and all of civilisation; the serenity, the sky, the view. Floating above epic landscapes, castles, even Aztec ruins. That is what hot air balloon flights represent. Humanity’s curiosity with flying is a long-known history and the ever-revolving chase for thrill has taken us to hot air ballooning, which allows you to enjoy a beautiful scenery and experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, all from above.

February 22, 2023
February 22, 2023

5 best places for hot air ballooning in Asia

Picture yourself in a basket, tied to a balloon that is flying over mountain tops and all of civilisation; the serenity, the sky, the view. Floating above epic landscapes, castles, even Aztec ruins. That is what hot air balloon flights represent. Humanity’s curiosity with flying is a long-known history and the ever-revolving chase for thrill has taken us to hot air ballooning, which allows you to enjoy a beautiful scenery and experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, all from above.

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