financial crimes in bangladesh

Can we change the story of our ailing banks?

Restoring trust in the banking sector is crucially important

We need a bank commission that can drive radical reforms

But its objectives must be clearly defined and regularly scrutinised

Unearth all banking sector irregularities

Bring those involved in financial crimes to book

MTFE Scandal / Bangladesh, a constant victim of MLMs and ponzi schemes

Despite such crimes getting bigger in scale and more vicious with time, we have miserably failed to curb them.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Can we change the story of our ailing banks?

Restoring trust in the banking sector is crucially important

August 20, 2024
August 20, 2024

We need a bank commission that can drive radical reforms

But its objectives must be clearly defined and regularly scrutinised

August 17, 2024
August 17, 2024

Unearth all banking sector irregularities

Bring those involved in financial crimes to book

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Bangladesh, a constant victim of MLMs and ponzi schemes

Despite such crimes getting bigger in scale and more vicious with time, we have miserably failed to curb them.

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