Prominent actor Siam Ahmed, who first captured hearts with crowd-favorite television series like “Bhalobasha 101”, “Tomar Amar Prem”, and “X Factor Reload”, has since made a seamless transition to the silver screen, cementing his place in the film industry. His highly anticipated film “Jongli” is now on the horizon, promising to showcase a deeply immersive and reinvented Siam in the lead role.
As of Saturday, with only eight films currently slated for release, fans and filmmakers alike are engaged in spirited discussions about which movies will make the final cut and dominate the box office during Eid.
In the post, Siam, who is going to appear in a new film after a significant hiatus, wrote, “Welcome on board Bubly! Jongli is coming this Eid-ul Azha.”
This M Raahim directorial is scheduled to be released on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.
Prominent actor Siam Ahmed, who first captured hearts with crowd-favorite television series like “Bhalobasha 101”, “Tomar Amar Prem”, and “X Factor Reload”, has since made a seamless transition to the silver screen, cementing his place in the film industry. His highly anticipated film “Jongli” is now on the horizon, promising to showcase a deeply immersive and reinvented Siam in the lead role.
As of Saturday, with only eight films currently slated for release, fans and filmmakers alike are engaged in spirited discussions about which movies will make the final cut and dominate the box office during Eid.
In the post, Siam, who is going to appear in a new film after a significant hiatus, wrote, “Welcome on board Bubly! Jongli is coming this Eid-ul Azha.”
This M Raahim directorial is scheduled to be released on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.