Sukorno Shahed Dhiman's upcoming web series “Feu”, set against the 1979 Marichjhapi massacre, explores the intersection of politics and humanity, shedding light on the brutal treatment of refugees.
The history of the Marichjhapi massacre, a dark chapter in the Sundarbans, forms the foundation of Chorki’s upcoming web-series “Feu”. Set against the backdrop of the 1979 massacre, the series explores the intersection of politics and humanity, highlighting the brutal treatment of refugees.
Sukorno Shahed Dhiman's upcoming web series “Feu”, set against the 1979 Marichjhapi massacre, explores the intersection of politics and humanity, shedding light on the brutal treatment of refugees.
The history of the Marichjhapi massacre, a dark chapter in the Sundarbans, forms the foundation of Chorki’s upcoming web-series “Feu”. Set against the backdrop of the 1979 massacre, the series explores the intersection of politics and humanity, highlighting the brutal treatment of refugees.