Facebook CEO Zuckerberg

Facebook trains AI to beat humans at Go board game

Facebook has created an artificial intelligence system that is "getting close" to beating the best human players at the Chinese board game Go, Mark Zuckerberg reveals.

India regulator pillories Facebook over Free Basics lobbying

India's telecom regulator strongly criticises Facebook over its campaign to drum up support for its Free Basics internet plan.

Zuckerberg defends his new philanthropic initiative

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg defends the unusual company structure chosen for the eye-catching philanthropic venture launched to celebrate the birth of his daughter.

New Facebook features makes it easier to talk to people you don’t know

Facebook is launching a new feature for Messenger called Message Requests, that makes it easier for people to receive (or ignore) messages from people they aren't friends with.

Zuckerberg in India, visits Taj Mahal

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is in India to host the next Facebook Townhall Q&A session.

January 27, 2016
January 27, 2016

Facebook trains AI to beat humans at Go board game

Facebook has created an artificial intelligence system that is "getting close" to beating the best human players at the Chinese board game Go, Mark Zuckerberg reveals.

January 20, 2016
January 20, 2016

India regulator pillories Facebook over Free Basics lobbying

India's telecom regulator strongly criticises Facebook over its campaign to drum up support for its Free Basics internet plan.

December 4, 2015
December 4, 2015

Zuckerberg defends his new philanthropic initiative

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg defends the unusual company structure chosen for the eye-catching philanthropic venture launched to celebrate the birth of his daughter.

October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015

New Facebook features makes it easier to talk to people you don’t know

Facebook is launching a new feature for Messenger called Message Requests, that makes it easier for people to receive (or ignore) messages from people they aren't friends with.

October 27, 2015
October 27, 2015

Zuckerberg in India, visits Taj Mahal

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is in India to host the next Facebook Townhall Q&A session.