excise duty

More excise duty for the rich

The bank accounts with balance over Tk 5 crore may have to pay more excise duty from the next fiscal year.

New VAT law put on hold

The government has shelved the uniform 15 percent VAT plan for two years in the wake of public outcry and reported pressure from businesses and lobby groups. This means the multiple rates of the indirect tax under the 1991 VAT law will continue until fiscal year 2018-19.

Legal notice seeks cancellation of excise duty on bank accounts

A Supreme Court lawyer sends a legal notice to the government requesting it to cancel all the excise duties on bank accounts in 72 hours.

Ruling MP wants to allow vote against budget

A ruling party lawmaker voices an opinion to amend the provision of constitution, allowing an MP to vote against respective political party. Also, Muhith draws flak at parliament for his 2017-18 budget.

June 9, 2022
June 9, 2022

More excise duty for the rich

The bank accounts with balance over Tk 5 crore may have to pay more excise duty from the next fiscal year.

June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017

New VAT law put on hold

The government has shelved the uniform 15 percent VAT plan for two years in the wake of public outcry and reported pressure from businesses and lobby groups. This means the multiple rates of the indirect tax under the 1991 VAT law will continue until fiscal year 2018-19.

June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017

Legal notice seeks cancellation of excise duty on bank accounts

A Supreme Court lawyer sends a legal notice to the government requesting it to cancel all the excise duties on bank accounts in 72 hours.

June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017

Ruling MP wants to allow vote against budget

A ruling party lawmaker voices an opinion to amend the provision of constitution, allowing an MP to vote against respective political party. Also, Muhith draws flak at parliament for his 2017-18 budget.