environmental degradation

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

Why open-pit coal mining in Phulbari will be disastrous

The coal bed of Bangladesh differs from that of many other places in the world, where the water table is found usually below the coal bed, not above as in Bangladesh.

We cannot ignore the threat of microplastics

New study reveals harrowing level of microplastic pollution in rivers

Yet another reserved forest in peril

In ensuring amenities, the authorities must not destroy nature

Shall we just bow to illegal sand lifters?

Government must take stern action against those lifting sand from Jamuna, Meghna

Stop ravaging our reserve forests

Government must not allow anyone to occupy or destroy forestland

With every forest razed, a little bit of Bangladesh dies too

Worrying reports about natural degradation question the government’s sincerity

Re-greening Bangladesh will require more than token gestures

Authorities must protect our existing natural resources before taking any reforesting measure

Why are we so intent on killing forests?

Chattogram district administration must answer for felling 5,000 trees

June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

March 30, 2024
March 30, 2024

Why open-pit coal mining in Phulbari will be disastrous

The coal bed of Bangladesh differs from that of many other places in the world, where the water table is found usually below the coal bed, not above as in Bangladesh.

February 1, 2024
February 1, 2024

We cannot ignore the threat of microplastics

New study reveals harrowing level of microplastic pollution in rivers

November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023

Yet another reserved forest in peril

In ensuring amenities, the authorities must not destroy nature

November 12, 2023
November 12, 2023

Shall we just bow to illegal sand lifters?

Government must take stern action against those lifting sand from Jamuna, Meghna

October 14, 2023
October 14, 2023

Stop ravaging our reserve forests

Government must not allow anyone to occupy or destroy forestland

July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

With every forest razed, a little bit of Bangladesh dies too

Worrying reports about natural degradation question the government’s sincerity

July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023

Re-greening Bangladesh will require more than token gestures

Authorities must protect our existing natural resources before taking any reforesting measure

June 8, 2023
June 8, 2023

Why are we so intent on killing forests?

Chattogram district administration must answer for felling 5,000 trees

May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023

Saat Masjid Road: Trees felled for facelift, a new median strip

City life comes with rapid change. But for the residents of Dhanmondi what didn’t change for long were the trees and plants on the median of Saat Masjid Road. Bursting with blossoms in spring and summer, the krishnachuras and the radhachuras, among other trees, became a part of their lives.

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