electoral democracy

How to correct global imbalances?

The global economy and planetary system are hugely imbalanced because of climate warming and widening social inequities.

MYANMAR GOES TO POLLS / Disciplined democracy versus Time for change

Sadly neither the USDP nor NLD has chosen Muslim candidates to contest, though Myanmar has over five million Muslims. Rohingyas are automatically disenfranchised as they are not considered citizens of the country. It will be a Muslim-free election.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF DEMOCRACY: Space for Civil Society / Civil society strengthens electoral democracy

Division of work among various institutions is an organisational imperative. However, the reality is that no institution in modern times is capable of discharging its assigned duties autonomously without the help and cooperation of a number of other institutions who have some interest in achieving common goals.

June 3, 2023
June 3, 2023

How to correct global imbalances?

The global economy and planetary system are hugely imbalanced because of climate warming and widening social inequities.

November 2, 2015
November 2, 2015

Disciplined democracy versus Time for change

Sadly neither the USDP nor NLD has chosen Muslim candidates to contest, though Myanmar has over five million Muslims. Rohingyas are automatically disenfranchised as they are not considered citizens of the country. It will be a Muslim-free election.

September 15, 2015
September 15, 2015

Civil society strengthens electoral democracy

Division of work among various institutions is an organisational imperative. However, the reality is that no institution in modern times is capable of discharging its assigned duties autonomously without the help and cooperation of a number of other institutions who have some interest in achieving common goals.

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