Ekattorer Dinguli

Remembering Jahanara Imam: Forging a war amidst a war

Through her relentless activism and unyielding spirit, Jahanara Imam remains a beacon of courage and resilience in the face of immense adversity.

Writing the Good Fight: Women, War, and Jahanara Imam’s Ekattorer Dinguli

In 1938, as Hitler marched across Europe, Virginia Woolf, in Three Guineas, urged women to “maintain an attitude of complete indifference” to war. She took a clear position on whether or not women have a stake in politics and war.

In remembrance of Shaheed Rumi

Shaheed Shafi Imam Rumi, a guerrilla fighter who fought valiantly in the Liberation War of Bangladesh will always remain 19 in the eyes of people of the country who know the history of sacrifices of a mere teenager and his family for this country.

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

Remembering Jahanara Imam: Forging a war amidst a war

Through her relentless activism and unyielding spirit, Jahanara Imam remains a beacon of courage and resilience in the face of immense adversity.

March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023

Writing the Good Fight: Women, War, and Jahanara Imam’s Ekattorer Dinguli

In 1938, as Hitler marched across Europe, Virginia Woolf, in Three Guineas, urged women to “maintain an attitude of complete indifference” to war. She took a clear position on whether or not women have a stake in politics and war.

March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016

In remembrance of Shaheed Rumi

Shaheed Shafi Imam Rumi, a guerrilla fighter who fought valiantly in the Liberation War of Bangladesh will always remain 19 in the eyes of people of the country who know the history of sacrifices of a mere teenager and his family for this country.

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