Dengue Vaccine

How to reduce the prevalence and out-of-pocket costs of dengue infections

Data indicates that Dhaka city is at most risk from dengue infections and requires urgent preventive intervention measures.

Vaccine trial raises hope against dengue

Vaccine developers should accelerate the process to make it available for widespread use

Could vaccines turn the tide in the fight against dengue?

The government’s fight against the scourge of ever-increasing dengue infections has proven to be futile.

Dengue Vaccine: Relief turns into worry

The world's first ever vaccine to prevent dengue fever works just fine on those who had contracted the disease before, but brings trouble to the people who were never infected by the virus.

July 7, 2024
July 7, 2024

How to reduce the prevalence and out-of-pocket costs of dengue infections

Data indicates that Dhaka city is at most risk from dengue infections and requires urgent preventive intervention measures.

October 1, 2023
October 1, 2023

Vaccine trial raises hope against dengue

Vaccine developers should accelerate the process to make it available for widespread use

November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022

Could vaccines turn the tide in the fight against dengue?

The government’s fight against the scourge of ever-increasing dengue infections has proven to be futile.

December 21, 2017
December 21, 2017

Dengue Vaccine: Relief turns into worry

The world's first ever vaccine to prevent dengue fever works just fine on those who had contracted the disease before, but brings trouble to the people who were never infected by the virus.

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