Disney Channel's beloved magical family is making a grand return with the newly titled sequel series, "Wizards: Beyond Waverly Place". The announcement was made by Selena Gomez during Disney's 2024 upfront presentation, where fans were treated to the first look at the grown-up versions of Alex and Justin Russo, played by Gomez and David Henrie, respectively.
Selena Gomez and David Henrie, known for their roles as on-screen siblings in the original Disney Channel series “Wizards of Waverly Place”, are set to reunite for the sequel, as reported by People. The beloved actors will be returning to the popular comedy series.
Disney Channel's beloved magical family is making a grand return with the newly titled sequel series, "Wizards: Beyond Waverly Place". The announcement was made by Selena Gomez during Disney's 2024 upfront presentation, where fans were treated to the first look at the grown-up versions of Alex and Justin Russo, played by Gomez and David Henrie, respectively.
Selena Gomez and David Henrie, known for their roles as on-screen siblings in the original Disney Channel series “Wizards of Waverly Place”, are set to reunite for the sequel, as reported by People. The beloved actors will be returning to the popular comedy series.