crawling peg for currency

Bangladesh Bank launches crawling peg, sets Tk 117 per USD as mid-point 

Bangladesh Bank today introduced the crawling peg exchange rate system and allowed banks to buy and sell US dollars freely at around Tk 117. 

News Analysis / Crawling peg system: A welcome step but will it be enough to boost reserves?

The crawling peg system for the taka is a delayed and, perhaps, inadequate response to the bleeding of forex reserves. Some economists suggest the central bank should go beyond this formula and open the exchange rate to market forces to stop the continuous erosion of reserves. Either way, exporters and remitters will celebrate more flexibility in the exchange rate.

Taka to trade more freely by next month

Bangladesh will introduce a crawling peg system by next month to make the exchange rate more flexible and improve the foreign currency reserves, a key prescription from the International Monetary Fund.

EXPLAINER / How the crawling peg for currency will work

The central bank has rolled out a plan to introduce an interim crawling peg system for the taka to regulate abrupt fluctuations of its value, paving the way towards a fully flexible regime in the future. 

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Bangladesh Bank launches crawling peg, sets Tk 117 per USD as mid-point 

Bangladesh Bank today introduced the crawling peg exchange rate system and allowed banks to buy and sell US dollars freely at around Tk 117. 

May 7, 2024
May 7, 2024

Crawling peg system: A welcome step but will it be enough to boost reserves?

The crawling peg system for the taka is a delayed and, perhaps, inadequate response to the bleeding of forex reserves. Some economists suggest the central bank should go beyond this formula and open the exchange rate to market forces to stop the continuous erosion of reserves. Either way, exporters and remitters will celebrate more flexibility in the exchange rate.

May 6, 2024
May 6, 2024

Taka to trade more freely by next month

Bangladesh will introduce a crawling peg system by next month to make the exchange rate more flexible and improve the foreign currency reserves, a key prescription from the International Monetary Fund.

January 17, 2024
January 17, 2024

How the crawling peg for currency will work

The central bank has rolled out a plan to introduce an interim crawling peg system for the taka to regulate abrupt fluctuations of its value, paving the way towards a fully flexible regime in the future. 

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