At a crisis period like this, Mission Save Bangladesh arranged a panel discussion amongst veterans from different industries to talk about leadership challenges post COVID 19.
Along with miseries, the pandemic has certainly brought citizens with generational privilege things to look forward to. Fashionable PPE for death defying Eid shoppers.
Satireday Cartoon : Challenging times
GoFundMe campaign titled "N95 Masks for Doctors In Bangladesh for COVID-19" sends much needed medical respirators to hospitals in Bangladesh
With the world entering its fifth month of the coronavirus pandemic, there's one question that has been on everyone’s mind; when will the vaccine be ready? The answer is not so simple and we try to explain why.
At a crisis period like this, Mission Save Bangladesh arranged a panel discussion amongst veterans from different industries to talk about leadership challenges post COVID 19.
Along with miseries, the pandemic has certainly brought citizens with generational privilege things to look forward to. Fashionable PPE for death defying Eid shoppers.
Satireday Cartoon : Challenging times
GoFundMe campaign titled "N95 Masks for Doctors In Bangladesh for COVID-19" sends much needed medical respirators to hospitals in Bangladesh
With the world entering its fifth month of the coronavirus pandemic, there's one question that has been on everyone’s mind; when will the vaccine be ready? The answer is not so simple and we try to explain why.