The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
The first cry, the first giggle, the first half-pronounced words, or the first steps – all these precious moments of “firsts” make up for beautiful memories to be treasured throughout a lifetime.
Urging everyone to give children education with joy Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today called upon all to not exert additional pressure on the tender-hearted children for studying.
The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
The first cry, the first giggle, the first half-pronounced words, or the first steps – all these precious moments of “firsts” make up for beautiful memories to be treasured throughout a lifetime.
Urging everyone to give children education with joy Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today called upon all to not exert additional pressure on the tender-hearted children for studying.