Chattogram Food Testing Laboratory

A monument to systemic negligence

Chattogram testing lab remains inoperative even after nine years

Ctg food testing lab: Sitting idle for a bureaucratic tangle

Chattogram’s Modern Food Testing Laboratory, a Tk 34.4 crore project funded by the Asian Development Bank, remains inoperable despite construction being completed in December 2015.

July 1, 2024
July 1, 2024

A monument to systemic negligence

Chattogram testing lab remains inoperative even after nine years

June 30, 2024
June 30, 2024

Ctg food testing lab: Sitting idle for a bureaucratic tangle

Chattogram’s Modern Food Testing Laboratory, a Tk 34.4 crore project funded by the Asian Development Bank, remains inoperable despite construction being completed in December 2015.

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