cave lion species

Scientists try to clone 12,000-year old cave lion DNA

Revolutionary new DNA techniques are making scientists hopeful in bringing back to life, a species of Ice Age cave lions that roamed the Earth 12,000 years ago.

12000 year old frozen lion cubs found in Siberia

Russian scientists display the remains of two ancient cave lion cubs that were found preserved in permafrost. The cave lion species became extinct some 12,000 years ago.

March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016

Scientists try to clone 12,000-year old cave lion DNA

Revolutionary new DNA techniques are making scientists hopeful in bringing back to life, a species of Ice Age cave lions that roamed the Earth 12,000 years ago.

November 18, 2015
November 18, 2015

12000 year old frozen lion cubs found in Siberia

Russian scientists display the remains of two ancient cave lion cubs that were found preserved in permafrost. The cave lion species became extinct some 12,000 years ago.