canal grabbing

Govt canal grabbed for fish farming

A section of local influential people allegedly grabbed a portion of Mahendranagar Canal on government’s land in Nakhenda area of Kurigram’s Rajarhat upazila for a fish farming project.

A canal here, a bird refuge there...

One by one, we’re losing precious natural resources to greed and apathy

Inaction kills Dumni canal

Years of public outcries, pledges of administration and the High Court's order had failed to save the natural canal Dumni Khal in the capital's outskirts.

Another city canal goes

A canal, which was once connected to several other water bodies in the city and the Turag River, at Lautola Kanchabazar is now in its death throes.

July 15, 2024
July 15, 2024

Govt canal grabbed for fish farming

A section of local influential people allegedly grabbed a portion of Mahendranagar Canal on government’s land in Nakhenda area of Kurigram’s Rajarhat upazila for a fish farming project.

February 11, 2023
February 11, 2023

A canal here, a bird refuge there...

One by one, we’re losing precious natural resources to greed and apathy

February 26, 2018
February 26, 2018

Inaction kills Dumni canal

Years of public outcries, pledges of administration and the High Court's order had failed to save the natural canal Dumni Khal in the capital's outskirts.

November 4, 2017
November 4, 2017

Another city canal goes

A canal, which was once connected to several other water bodies in the city and the Turag River, at Lautola Kanchabazar is now in its death throes.

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