
'ICL powerless', Cairns told Adams

Chris Cairns allegedly told the New Zealand players that he attempted to recruit to his match-fixing operation that the Indian Cricket League (ICL) was powerless to stop their actions.

When Hannan Sarkar of Bangladesh stood his ground at Cairns, Australia

Hannan Sarkar was among the very few, who stood their ground, defied their overwhelming opposition to earn some semblance of respect down under in 2003.

October 17, 2015
October 17, 2015

'ICL powerless', Cairns told Adams

Chris Cairns allegedly told the New Zealand players that he attempted to recruit to his match-fixing operation that the Indian Cricket League (ICL) was powerless to stop their actions.

September 19, 2015
September 19, 2015

When Hannan Sarkar of Bangladesh stood his ground at Cairns, Australia

Hannan Sarkar was among the very few, who stood their ground, defied their overwhelming opposition to earn some semblance of respect down under in 2003.