Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training

Labour Recruitment to Malaysia: Syndicate wins, migrants suffer, country loses

Migration to Malaysia has been fraught with issues since the BMET recorded the first 23 Bangladeshi workers migrating in 1978

Bangladeshi airports still devoid of HIV screening

Though returnee migrant workers account for one-fourth of the HIV patients detected in Bangladesh every year, no screening system has been put in place yet at any of the country’s international airports.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Labour Recruitment to Malaysia: Syndicate wins, migrants suffer, country loses

Migration to Malaysia has been fraught with issues since the BMET recorded the first 23 Bangladeshi workers migrating in 1978

December 1, 2022
December 1, 2022

Bangladeshi airports still devoid of HIV screening

Though returnee migrant workers account for one-fourth of the HIV patients detected in Bangladesh every year, no screening system has been put in place yet at any of the country’s international airports.