buddhist monk killed

Editorial / Another monk killed!

Yet another monk, this time a Buddhist living as an ascetic in a remote place in Khagrachari, has been killed.

Monk killed in Bandarban

He chose to live in seclusion in a remote temple to attain Buddhist wisdom. Most of his time was devoted to religious rites, prayers and meditation. His family members and locals say it's out of question that he had any enmity with anyone. May all beings be happy -- this was what the monk wanted like any other Bouddha Bhikkhu.

May 16, 2016
May 16, 2016

Another monk killed!

Yet another monk, this time a Buddhist living as an ascetic in a remote place in Khagrachari, has been killed.

May 15, 2016
May 15, 2016

Monk killed in Bandarban

He chose to live in seclusion in a remote temple to attain Buddhist wisdom. Most of his time was devoted to religious rites, prayers and meditation. His family members and locals say it's out of question that he had any enmity with anyone. May all beings be happy -- this was what the monk wanted like any other Bouddha Bhikkhu.

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