black box

INDONESIA JET CRASH / Divers close in on location of black box

Indonesian investigators said they were homing in on the black box from a crashed jetliner after locating its "pings" yesterday, two days after the jet crashed shortly after take-off with 189 people on board.

Co-pilot ‘wanted to destroy the plane’

The co-pilot of the Germanwings plane that crashed into the French Alps on Tuesday appears to want to "destroy the plane"

November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018

Divers close in on location of black box

Indonesian investigators said they were homing in on the black box from a crashed jetliner after locating its "pings" yesterday, two days after the jet crashed shortly after take-off with 189 people on board.

March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015

Co-pilot ‘wanted to destroy the plane’

The co-pilot of the Germanwings plane that crashed into the French Alps on Tuesday appears to want to "destroy the plane"