India's election was an eye-opener for struggling democracies

Modi now relies on two more secular regional leaders, political tacticians who could potentially outmanoeuvre the Modi-Shah duo.

Indian general elections: / The return of regular politics

With the change in the balance of power, there will be internal pressure from coalition partners and external pressure from stronger opposition to not act unilaterally.

Just not cricket: Indian politicians bat for power

Cricket is more than just a game in India: critics accuse ruling-party politicians and the sport's closely linked mega-rich board of exploiting its huge popularity for electoral advantage.

The rise of the Ambani brand

With great wealth, should there not be great scrutiny and accountability?

India’s Hindu ‘emperor’ wants a third term

India's upcoming election sees BJP's narrative shift to Hindu identity under PM Modi, prompting opposition emphasis on economic issues

Does India need a Uniform Civil Code?

In a way, the BJP’s campaign on the UCC has been in the works for several months now

Understanding Biden’s big bet on India

The unprecedented lovefest between India and the United States has been striking and, frankly, puzzling.

Opposition unity and the challenges ahead in India

Fresh general elections in India are due early next year and the opposition parties seem to have taken a good first step

Hating Muslims has become fashionable: Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah has been a constant critic of the BJP and the growing Islamophobia in India.

June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024

India's election was an eye-opener for struggling democracies

Modi now relies on two more secular regional leaders, political tacticians who could potentially outmanoeuvre the Modi-Shah duo.

June 9, 2024
June 9, 2024

The return of regular politics

With the change in the balance of power, there will be internal pressure from coalition partners and external pressure from stronger opposition to not act unilaterally.

April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Just not cricket: Indian politicians bat for power

Cricket is more than just a game in India: critics accuse ruling-party politicians and the sport's closely linked mega-rich board of exploiting its huge popularity for electoral advantage.

March 16, 2024
March 16, 2024

The rise of the Ambani brand

With great wealth, should there not be great scrutiny and accountability?

January 7, 2024
January 7, 2024

India’s Hindu ‘emperor’ wants a third term

India's upcoming election sees BJP's narrative shift to Hindu identity under PM Modi, prompting opposition emphasis on economic issues

July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023

Does India need a Uniform Civil Code?

In a way, the BJP’s campaign on the UCC has been in the works for several months now

July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023

Understanding Biden’s big bet on India

The unprecedented lovefest between India and the United States has been striking and, frankly, puzzling.

June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023

Opposition unity and the challenges ahead in India

Fresh general elections in India are due early next year and the opposition parties seem to have taken a good first step

May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023

Hating Muslims has become fashionable: Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah has been a constant critic of the BJP and the growing Islamophobia in India.

May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023

Is BJP's policy of exclusion and segregation backfiring?

PM Modi's decision to inaugurate the new parliament building himself has garnered scrutiny.

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