benefits of nuts

Why go nuts: All the benefits you can reap

Consuming nuts as part of a healthy diet may be beneficial to health. Nuts are high in unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients. They are also great as a snack because they are cheap, easy to store, and portable. One disadvantage of nuts is that some are high in calories, so portion control is essential. However, choosing nuts over a less healthy snack may help you stick to a heart-healthy diet.

October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022

Why go nuts: All the benefits you can reap

Consuming nuts as part of a healthy diet may be beneficial to health. Nuts are high in unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients. They are also great as a snack because they are cheap, easy to store, and portable. One disadvantage of nuts is that some are high in calories, so portion control is essential. However, choosing nuts over a less healthy snack may help you stick to a heart-healthy diet.

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