Bar Council

Legal action sought over cancellation of Bar Council’s Independence Day event

An executive member of Bangladesh Bar Council demands for legal action against the people responsible for cancelling the organisation’s event marking the Independence and National Day.

Appeal orders on bar council poll freeze May 28

The apex court sets May 28 to deliver verdicts of three appeals filed challenging the High Court freeze on Bangladesh Bar Council elections.

April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017

Legal action sought over cancellation of Bar Council’s Independence Day event

An executive member of Bangladesh Bar Council demands for legal action against the people responsible for cancelling the organisation’s event marking the Independence and National Day.

May 24, 2015
May 24, 2015

Appeal orders on bar council poll freeze May 28

The apex court sets May 28 to deliver verdicts of three appeals filed challenging the High Court freeze on Bangladesh Bar Council elections.

push notification