bank of buriganga river

BIWTA drive goes on

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) yesterday knocked down 57 illegal structures in Keraniganj's Madyachar and Basila as part of the ongoing drive against illegal establishments along the Buriganga and the Turag.


Standing on the bank of the Buriganga in Old Dhaka, Islampur still remains a commercial hub for wholesale trade of fabrics

March 6, 2019
March 6, 2019

BIWTA drive goes on

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) yesterday knocked down 57 illegal structures in Keraniganj's Madyachar and Basila as part of the ongoing drive against illegal establishments along the Buriganga and the Turag.

June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016


Standing on the bank of the Buriganga in Old Dhaka, Islampur still remains a commercial hub for wholesale trade of fabrics