Bank Asia

Tk 100cr budget for women entrepreneurs lies idle for lack of awareness

Though the government allocates Tk 100 crore in the national budget every year for the development of women entrepreneurship, not a single penny of this money gets used as the entrepreneurs lack awareness on how to ensure optimum utilisation of the fund.

Bank Asia's profit fell 31% in 2023

Bank Asia PLC suffered a 31.7 percent year-on-year decrease in profit to Tk 208.9 crore in 2023

Bank Asia moves a step closer to Bank Alfalah acquisition

A day earlier, Karachi-based Bank Alfalah disclosed the information on the Pakistan Stock exchange.

Bank Asia posts 22% rise in profits

Its Jan-Sep profit hits Tk 382 crore this year, up from Tk 312 crore last year

Digital nano loans gaining popularity fast

Around 1.6 lakh customers have so far taken the loan

Bank Asia to invest in digital bank

Bank Asia has decided to be a sponsor shareholder of a proposed digital bank by investing Tk 12.50 crore, said the private bank today.

Romo Rouf Chowdhury re-elected as Bank Asia chairman

Chowdhury is one of the sponsor shareholders as well as sponsor directors of Bank Asia

Rouf Chowdhury: demise of a charismatic leader

Chowdhury’s far-reaching thoughts opened doors of economic development and introduced new dimensions to the country's trade and industry

Bank Asia’s Chattogram branch locked down

A branch of Bank Asia has been locked down as a coronavirus positive patient visited the bank two days back.

May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

Tk 100cr budget for women entrepreneurs lies idle for lack of awareness

Though the government allocates Tk 100 crore in the national budget every year for the development of women entrepreneurship, not a single penny of this money gets used as the entrepreneurs lack awareness on how to ensure optimum utilisation of the fund.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Bank Asia's profit fell 31% in 2023

Bank Asia PLC suffered a 31.7 percent year-on-year decrease in profit to Tk 208.9 crore in 2023

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Bank Asia moves a step closer to Bank Alfalah acquisition

A day earlier, Karachi-based Bank Alfalah disclosed the information on the Pakistan Stock exchange.

October 26, 2023
October 26, 2023

Bank Asia posts 22% rise in profits

Its Jan-Sep profit hits Tk 382 crore this year, up from Tk 312 crore last year

August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023

Digital nano loans gaining popularity fast

Around 1.6 lakh customers have so far taken the loan

July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023

Bank Asia to invest in digital bank

Bank Asia has decided to be a sponsor shareholder of a proposed digital bank by investing Tk 12.50 crore, said the private bank today.

May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023

Romo Rouf Chowdhury re-elected as Bank Asia chairman

Chowdhury is one of the sponsor shareholders as well as sponsor directors of Bank Asia

February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023

Rouf Chowdhury: demise of a charismatic leader

Chowdhury’s far-reaching thoughts opened doors of economic development and introduced new dimensions to the country's trade and industry

April 9, 2020
April 9, 2020

Bank Asia’s Chattogram branch locked down

A branch of Bank Asia has been locked down as a coronavirus positive patient visited the bank two days back.

October 5, 2018
October 5, 2018

A third of the people financially excluded

Bank Asia and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) recently hosted a three-day event to share ideas on how banks and other financial institutions may bring more than

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