Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies

Labour Recruitment to Malaysia: Syndicate wins, migrants suffer, country loses

Migration to Malaysia has been fraught with issues since the BMET recorded the first 23 Bangladeshi workers migrating in 1978

Two migrant workers return from Brunei empty-handed

Two migrant workers return from Brunei penniless early today after they were cheated by two Bangladeshi recruiting agencies with the promise of lucrative salaries abroad.

Registration for female overseas jobseekers begins Thursday

Online registration for Bangladeshi women seeking overseas jobs, particularly in Saudi Arabia, will begin Thursday.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Labour Recruitment to Malaysia: Syndicate wins, migrants suffer, country loses

Migration to Malaysia has been fraught with issues since the BMET recorded the first 23 Bangladeshi workers migrating in 1978

May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015

Two migrant workers return from Brunei empty-handed

Two migrant workers return from Brunei penniless early today after they were cheated by two Bangladeshi recruiting agencies with the promise of lucrative salaries abroad.

March 2, 2015
March 2, 2015

Registration for female overseas jobseekers begins Thursday

Online registration for Bangladeshi women seeking overseas jobs, particularly in Saudi Arabia, will begin Thursday.

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