
Death of Bangabahadur

The elephant Bangabahadur could have been saved if workers of the forest department, who tried to rescue it, were properly trained to deal with such a situation.


I hope Donald Trump doesn't get wind of this border. If so, he will surely be itching to build a wall and halt, once and for all, humans crossing it in both directions. But has he accounted for quadrupeds?

Wild elephant tranquilised yet again

The stranded wild elephant, recently rescued and named as Bangabahadur, has been tranquilised yet again this morning.

August 25, 2016
August 25, 2016

Death of Bangabahadur

The elephant Bangabahadur could have been saved if workers of the forest department, who tried to rescue it, were properly trained to deal with such a situation.

August 19, 2016
August 19, 2016

Animal Kingdom

I hope Donald Trump doesn't get wind of this border. If so, he will surely be itching to build a wall and halt, once and for all, humans crossing it in both directions. But has he accounted for quadrupeds?

August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016

Wild elephant tranquilised yet again

The stranded wild elephant, recently rescued and named as Bangabahadur, has been tranquilised yet again this morning.