bad weather

Water transports resume countrywide operation

With the improvement of weather conditions, water vessels except smaller launches resume their operation throughout the country after authorities lift a suspension order.

Bad weather affects water routes

Bad weather takes a toll on the river connectivity throughout Bangladesh today, forcing suspension of operations at several key points.

50 feared dead as ferry sinks in Myanmar

About 50 people were believed to have drowned off Myanmar when a ferry sank in bad weather

April 24, 2017
April 24, 2017

Water transports resume countrywide operation

With the improvement of weather conditions, water vessels except smaller launches resume their operation throughout the country after authorities lift a suspension order.

June 11, 2015
June 11, 2015

Bad weather affects water routes

Bad weather takes a toll on the river connectivity throughout Bangladesh today, forcing suspension of operations at several key points.

March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015

50 feared dead as ferry sinks in Myanmar

About 50 people were believed to have drowned off Myanmar when a ferry sank in bad weather