Directed by Zahidur Rahim Anjan, the film received government funding in the 2020-21 fiscal year. This “Meghmallar” and “Shondhya” famed filmmaker Anjan, who also handled the screenplay and story adaptation of the film, faced numerous hurdles in bringing the film to the screen.
On the 12th anniversary of Humayun Ahmed’s passing on July 19, Noor reminisced his memories of the iconic writer, expressing both admiration and disappointment over the declining quality of Humayun's later works.
Asaduzzaman Noor, who is most known for his performances on television and stage, has lent his voice to renowned poet Abu Zafar Obaidullah’s “Kono Ek Make” for the film. The iconic poem was recorded in a studio in the capital on Saturday (March 23).
This informative and social awareness-based drama, comprised of six episodes, serves as a promotional endeavour by the Population, Health, and Nutrition Division of Bangladesh Betar.
In a surprising turn of events during the 12th National Parliament election, a number of renowned artistes from Bangladesh's vibrant showbiz industry tried their luck in the political arena. The notable figures included veteran actor Asaduzzaman Noor, popular actor Ferdous Ahmed, actress Mahiya Mahi, and singers Momtaz Begum, and Doly Shaontoni. Out of these, Asaduzzaman Noor and Ferdous Ahmed emerged victorious, securing their places in the parliament.
Noor bagged 1,19,339 votes while his nearest rival independent candidate Joynal Abedin secured 15,684 votes
The innovative activity, fostered and curated by former Cultural Affairs Minister and eminent cultural personality, Asaduzzaman Noor has commenced recently with hundreds of child artists painting the roadside walls of Dhaka city.
In honour of the celebrated actor, thespian, director, and cultural activist Aly Zaker's 79th birth anniversary, Nagorik Natya Sampradaya is going to organize an event, titled "Smritite Smarane Aly Zaker”, at the Bangladesh Mahila Samiti Auditorium on Friday.
The month-long exhibition commemorates the great artist Rafiqun Nabi’s 80th birthday (November 28), arranged jointly by Gallery Chitrak, Rafiqun Nabi’s 80th birthday celebratory committee 2023 -- at the Bangladesh National Museum and Gallery Chitrak simultaneously.
Directed by Zahidur Rahim Anjan, the film received government funding in the 2020-21 fiscal year. This “Meghmallar” and “Shondhya” famed filmmaker Anjan, who also handled the screenplay and story adaptation of the film, faced numerous hurdles in bringing the film to the screen.
On the 12th anniversary of Humayun Ahmed’s passing on July 19, Noor reminisced his memories of the iconic writer, expressing both admiration and disappointment over the declining quality of Humayun's later works.
Asaduzzaman Noor, who is most known for his performances on television and stage, has lent his voice to renowned poet Abu Zafar Obaidullah’s “Kono Ek Make” for the film. The iconic poem was recorded in a studio in the capital on Saturday (March 23).
This informative and social awareness-based drama, comprised of six episodes, serves as a promotional endeavour by the Population, Health, and Nutrition Division of Bangladesh Betar.
In a surprising turn of events during the 12th National Parliament election, a number of renowned artistes from Bangladesh's vibrant showbiz industry tried their luck in the political arena. The notable figures included veteran actor Asaduzzaman Noor, popular actor Ferdous Ahmed, actress Mahiya Mahi, and singers Momtaz Begum, and Doly Shaontoni. Out of these, Asaduzzaman Noor and Ferdous Ahmed emerged victorious, securing their places in the parliament.
Noor bagged 1,19,339 votes while his nearest rival independent candidate Joynal Abedin secured 15,684 votes
The innovative activity, fostered and curated by former Cultural Affairs Minister and eminent cultural personality, Asaduzzaman Noor has commenced recently with hundreds of child artists painting the roadside walls of Dhaka city.
In honour of the celebrated actor, thespian, director, and cultural activist Aly Zaker's 79th birth anniversary, Nagorik Natya Sampradaya is going to organize an event, titled "Smritite Smarane Aly Zaker”, at the Bangladesh Mahila Samiti Auditorium on Friday.
The month-long exhibition commemorates the great artist Rafiqun Nabi’s 80th birthday (November 28), arranged jointly by Gallery Chitrak, Rafiqun Nabi’s 80th birthday celebratory committee 2023 -- at the Bangladesh National Museum and Gallery Chitrak simultaneously.
Today (October 31) marks the 77th birthday of the renowned actor Asaduzzaman Noor, the famous Baker Bhai of “Kothao Keu Nei”, Mirza of “Ayomay”, or Yunus in “Matir Pinjira”. He is a beloved actor on stage, TV drama, film, radio drama, web films, and still captivating the audience with his phenomenal performances. He has recently acted in a new Liberation War film. He is a recipient of the coveted Independence Award.