arrest under section 54

STRAIGHT LINE / Section 54 Cr.Pc: Indiscretions and imperatives

Arrest under Section 54 for prosecution under preventive detention cannot be entertained.

Section 54 / DMP made no arrest in two days

Police in the capital made no arrest under section 54 in the last 48 hours after the country's top court upheld a High Court verdict against arbitrary

June 9, 2016
June 9, 2016

Section 54 Cr.Pc: Indiscretions and imperatives

Arrest under Section 54 for prosecution under preventive detention cannot be entertained.

May 27, 2016
May 27, 2016

DMP made no arrest in two days

Police in the capital made no arrest under section 54 in the last 48 hours after the country's top court upheld a High Court verdict against arbitrary

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