apparel businessman

Apparel behemoths expanding into new sectors

Textile and garment behemoths in Bangladesh have started ploughing their surplus wealth into new sectors in order to tap the potential in an economy that is growing at a healthy clip and consumers’ purchasing power is rising. 

Militant funding: Businessman on 5-day remand

A Chittagong court places apparel businessman Enamul Haque on a five-day remand for his alleged involvement in financing militant outfit Shaheed Hamja Brigade.

August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023

Apparel behemoths expanding into new sectors

Textile and garment behemoths in Bangladesh have started ploughing their surplus wealth into new sectors in order to tap the potential in an economy that is growing at a healthy clip and consumers’ purchasing power is rising. 

September 6, 2015
September 6, 2015

Militant funding: Businessman on 5-day remand

A Chittagong court places apparel businessman Enamul Haque on a five-day remand for his alleged involvement in financing militant outfit Shaheed Hamja Brigade.