American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham)

Measures for macroeconomic stability, trade, investment insufficient

Although some steps were taken in the right direction, the measures proposed in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year centring macroeconomic stability, trade and investment are insufficient, experts and businesspeople opined in a discussion.

‘Bangladesh’s financial sector's reforms going into right direction’

IFC country manager says at AmCham luncheon meeting

June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

Measures for macroeconomic stability, trade, investment insufficient

Although some steps were taken in the right direction, the measures proposed in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year centring macroeconomic stability, trade and investment are insufficient, experts and businesspeople opined in a discussion.

July 24, 2023
July 24, 2023

‘Bangladesh’s financial sector's reforms going into right direction’

IFC country manager says at AmCham luncheon meeting

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