AL-BNP confrontation

The pattern of violent confrontation must stop

The ruling party must adopt a more mature and restrained strategy

Post sit-ins, BNP weighing up options

As long as it faced no street confrontation, BNP saw a huge success in its recent anti-government demonstrations. But because of the way Saturday’s sit-ins played out, the party high-ups are considering taking a step back from capital-centric anti-government programmes for now.

August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023

The pattern of violent confrontation must stop

The ruling party must adopt a more mature and restrained strategy

July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023

Post sit-ins, BNP weighing up options

As long as it faced no street confrontation, BNP saw a huge success in its recent anti-government demonstrations. But because of the way Saturday’s sit-ins played out, the party high-ups are considering taking a step back from capital-centric anti-government programmes for now.