acid case

Acid thrown at college girl

A female college student was burned with acid allegedly by a male classmate and his cohorts in Torgaoh Ferryghat area of Gazipur’s Kapasia upazila yesterday.

Harassment of College Girl / Victim in jail, 'culprit' on bail

An alleged stalker and his mother tried to frame a family in an acid violence case for protesting the harassment of their college-going daughter at the capital's Lalbagh.

April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019

Acid thrown at college girl

A female college student was burned with acid allegedly by a male classmate and his cohorts in Torgaoh Ferryghat area of Gazipur’s Kapasia upazila yesterday.

June 23, 2016
June 23, 2016

Victim in jail, 'culprit' on bail

An alleged stalker and his mother tried to frame a family in an acid violence case for protesting the harassment of their college-going daughter at the capital's Lalbagh.