abroad workers

Govt signs deal to send 15 lakh workers to Malaysia

Bangladesh inks deal with Malaysia to send 15 lakh workers in three years under government-to-government (G2G) Plus system. Under the deal, Bangladeshi labours will be recruited in almost every sector including constructions, manufactures and services.

Remittance Earners / Why so many return dead?

Afzal Hossain of Noakhali had gone to Saudi Arabia for job, spending Tk 6 lakh.

February 18, 2016
February 18, 2016

Govt signs deal to send 15 lakh workers to Malaysia

Bangladesh inks deal with Malaysia to send 15 lakh workers in three years under government-to-government (G2G) Plus system. Under the deal, Bangladeshi labours will be recruited in almost every sector including constructions, manufactures and services.

February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016

Why so many return dead?

Afzal Hossain of Noakhali had gone to Saudi Arabia for job, spending Tk 6 lakh.