12th National Parliament

In a parliament of businessmen, conflicts of interest reign supreme

With a parliament dominated by businessmen and their interests, who is going to hold them to account?

‘AL eligible for 48 out of 50 reserved seats in JS’

Says AL’s organising secy as he submits letter to EC claiming AL has independents’ support

Hasina springs cabinet surprises

In a surprise move, Sheikh Hasina has dropped 30 of her old colleagues, including some heavyweights, to form her new council of ministers that is set to take oath of office this evening.

New cabinet: Those who got dropped

Sheikh Hasina, set to take oath tomorrow as prime minister for a record fourth straight term, has dropped 30 of her old colleagues from some key ministries, bringing in 16 new faces in her new council of ministers

May 26, 2024
May 26, 2024

In a parliament of businessmen, conflicts of interest reign supreme

With a parliament dominated by businessmen and their interests, who is going to hold them to account?

January 31, 2024
January 31, 2024

‘AL eligible for 48 out of 50 reserved seats in JS’

Says AL’s organising secy as he submits letter to EC claiming AL has independents’ support

January 11, 2024
January 11, 2024

Hasina springs cabinet surprises

In a surprise move, Sheikh Hasina has dropped 30 of her old colleagues, including some heavyweights, to form her new council of ministers that is set to take oath of office this evening.

January 10, 2024
January 10, 2024

New cabinet: Those who got dropped

Sheikh Hasina, set to take oath tomorrow as prime minister for a record fourth straight term, has dropped 30 of her old colleagues from some key ministries, bringing in 16 new faces in her new council of ministers

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